No Interest Loans
If you are a low-income earner, you could be eligible for a no interest loan up to $2,000 for essential items including household appliances, furniture, laptops, vehicle registration payments, dental procedures and other essential goods and services. You can check your eligibility here.
No interest vehicle loans between $2,000-$5,000 are available for people and families on low incomes to purchase a vehicle for essential use, vehicles include cars, scooters, mobility scooters and motorcycles. You can check your eligibility here
How does NILs work?
Submit your invoice with your application and NILs will pay it straight to the supplier / vendor. Loans cannot be used for cash, bills or debts.
How much can I borrow?
Borrow up to $2000 for essential goods and services including:
- Household items like appliances, white goods & furniture
- Car repairs & registration
- Medical, dental, vet, wellbeing and life event expenses
- Technology like a new phone or laptop
- Education expenses like fees or uniforms
- Employment expenses like licenses or equipment
Borrow up to $3,000 for:
- Costs associated with a natural disaster
Am I eligible?
- Earn less than $70,000 annual income (before tax) as a single person OR
- Earn $100,000 annual income (before tax) if you have a partner or children
OR Have experienced family or domestic violence in the last 10 years
OR Have a Health Care Card / Pension Card
AND You can show you can afford to repay the loan
• Visit our Anglicare WA No Interest Loans website
• Download Anglicare WA No Interest Loans brochure
• Watch video about Anglicare WA No Interest Loans