What is Public Tenancy Support?
Public Tenancy Support supports people living in public housing provided by the Western Australian Department of Communities, who are in danger of losing their tenancy.
For tenants who are eligible for the service, housing support workers will visit them in their home, assess their situation and help plan a solution that best suits them.
The service can help to address problems including rental arrears, housing conditions and cleanliness, and anti-social behaviour. The support workers can negotiate and advocate on the tenant's behalf, assist with budgeting, assist with filling in
The service is designed to provide immediate assistance to solve the current problems, but also to arm the tenant with the knowledge and capacity to retain their tenancy independently.
How can Public Tenancy Support be accessed?
A tenant can be referred to the service by a Department of Housing Accommodation Manager. More information can be obtained by contacting the local or regional Department of Housing office.
The service is located in Albany, Bunbury, Collie, Katanning and Narrogin.