
Resources for Parents & Caregivers

Children often take cues from others around them. The suicide support resources we have put together are here to support people who support children grieving after losing someone they love to suicide.

Children can revisit their grief at each developing milestone. We hope that these resources and suicide stories can help not only now but at each milestone throughout the journey.

About these tools

The tools in this section may be able to help you or someone you know who is caring for and supporting a child or young person bereaved by suicide. We have included info sheets, links to other useful websites and lists of local WA services which we know can help.

If your child or teen is impacted by suicide, it is likely that you too are impacted.  One of the most helpful things you can do for your child is access your own counselling and support to process your feelings, thoughts and experience of this loss. When you do this, you will be better placed to support your child do the same.

If you don’t find what you need, please get in contact with us by email.

If you are an adult impacted by suicide and would like counselling support, reach out to Active Response Bereavement Outreach (ARBOR).


Active Response Bereavement Outreach (ARBOR)

Links to helpful resources

Click the images to learn more.

Lion Heart

Lion Heart Camp for Kids

A Perth based program for 5-12 yr old children who are bereaved of a significant person (by suicide, illness or sudden death).

StandBy 200x100

StandBy Support After Suicide

Information and resources support for those bereaved or impacted by suicide.

Conversations Matter

Conversations Matter

Resources for talking about suicide to children, young people and community.

Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline

Phone counselling, webchat, information and tips for children, teens and parents on many topics including grief, suicide bereavement, feelings expression, coping strategies and more.


Books for carers of children and young people who are bereaved by suicide




About these videos

Watch others tell their stories about suicide loss and what helped them in their grief.  We are connected together by our shared experiences, some of which are shared with you here.

We hope to grow our collection of shared lived experiences, so if you would like to share your story please get in contact with us by email.

Feedback and Complaints

We welcome feedback and suggestions for improving our services.

Feedback and Complaints

Feeling lost?

Anglicare WA offers a wide range of services and with 74 service locations across WA, we’re never too far away.

If you’re not sure where to go, call us on 1300 11 44 46.

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