
The impact of loss

Grief from suicide loss can be overwhelming and intense. Some feelings and emotions are unique or may be stronger and last longer. Emotions and feelings may include:

  • trauma
  • shock
  • sleeping and eating pattern changes
  • relief
  • numbness
  • lack of concentration
  • guilt
  • feeling rejected
  • intense physical pain
  • intense emotional pain
  • loneliness
  • anger and rage
  • the search for why

It is important to understand that feeling such emotions is normal.

Talking to a trusted person or a professional can be a great help. Talking can be a great help towards healing and is important for health and wellbeing. That said, a bereaved person should only do this when they feel ready to do so.

ARBOR Services

ARBOR is a support service specifically for people who are bereaved by suicide. We can provide professional grief counselling, whether one-to-one or group, over the phone, initial visits to the home or, at one of our offices around Perth.

We also have tremendous trained peer supporters, who are people who have lost a loved one to suicide, and are now volunteering their time to help others who are going through the same journey.

Our professional grief counsellors hold support groups around Perth, where the bereaved can get together in a safe and supportive environment and share experiences with each other and develop personal strategies to cope with their grief.

Aboriginal Grief

What does it mean to Aboriginal families who have lost a loved one to suicide?

  • No time for goodbyes.
  • A sense of unfinished business.
  • Anger; suicide cheats people out of the right of the leadership of the deceased.
  • Planning the burial ceremony, inclusive of cultural traditions.

ARBOR can offer counselling with the ARBOR Aboriginal Counsellor at home, local community areas or at an Anglicare WA office. The bereaved will receive support and ARBOR will walk with them through their journey. ARBOR is also able to identify yarning circles for the bereaved to connect with.

For more information please contact 1300 11 44 46 or email

ARBOR Support Groups and Support Services

Support groups Support services

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24 Hour Crisis Support

Crisis Support

Feeling lost?

Anglicare WA offers a wide range of services and with 74 service locations across WA, we’re never too far away.

If you’re not sure where to go, call us on 1300 11 44 46.

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