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Aug 29, 2024

Anglicare WA’s Advocacy & Strategy Team, in partnership with Make Renting Fair, WACOSS, Shelter WA, and Lotterywest, hosted a workshop on 24 August to help renters share their personal stories of rental hardship in order to change the rental system and make renting fair.

Sara Kane, Anglicare WA’s Government Relations Lead, oversaw the development of the workshop and the launch of an Advocacy Toolkit, which was funded by a Homelessness Week Grant from Shelter WA.  She shared with us what the workshop could mean for renters and for systems change.

We need to maintain the momentum generated during Homelessness Week and advocate for Homelessness Action Now! This training hopes to empower and activate private renters to share their rental story,  and/or homelessness with the media, social media or with Members of Parliament. 

Perth is now one of the hardest cities in the world to find an affordable rental. In WA there are no adequate minimum standards for rental properties, and renters are at risk of receiving substantial rent increases and/or being evicted from homes without being given a reason.

That is why now, more than ever, we need to change the rental system and make renting fair by changing the minds of government decision makers to end no-ground evictions, legislate minimum standards for rental homes, and cap rent increases.  

Sharing personal stories of how the rental crisis has had a harmful impact on people is a powerful way to move and change the minds of decision makers and enable legislative change.

If you would like to share your story or help change the rental system, please head over to Make Renting Fair.

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