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Mar 13, 2020
Anglicare WA is closely monitoring the situation with the Coronavirus, or COVID-19.

A comprehensive response plan is in place and it is being updated as new information comes through.

Although non-essential events or travel have been postponed, it is currently business as usual across our services. Clients are assured scheduled appointments will go ahead at this stage. You will be informed of any changes, via phone call or text.

Anyone with an appointment who has recently visited a high-risk country or is feeling unwell, should not attend and call to reschedule on 1300 11 44 46.

Our priority is the health and safety of our team & clients, while continuing to provide high quality services as far as practicable.

Information will be updated as the situation changes.

Feeling lost?

Anglicare WA offers a wide range of services and with more than 80 service locations across WA, we’re never too far away.

If you’re not sure where to go, call us on 1300 11 44 46.


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