
If you are in crisis or immediate danger, please attend your nearest emergency department or call emergency services on 000.

To speak to the Anglicare WA team to access support, call 1300 11 44 46.

For further support contact:
Lifeline - Phone 13 11 14
Suicide call back service - Phone 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue - Phone 1300 22 4636

Mental Health Emergency Response Line (MHERL)
• Metro region - Phone 1300 555 788
• Peel region - Phone 1800 676 822

Suicide Postvention Support

Grief is a natural response to loss. Grief after suicide is similar to other kinds of sudden loss, however, some facets are unique or may be stronger and longer lasting. 

If you choose to access our services, we can walk alongside you and provide you with support through your journey.

Feeling lost?

Anglicare WA offers a wide range of services in 83 locations across WA, we’re never too far away.

If you’re not sure where to go, call us on 1300 11 44 46.

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